“Conversation is art because it opens up to what is unknown. Thanks to conversations - as Lotte van den Berg’s actions prove – we can go through an internal change”, says Michał Merczyński, the director of Malta Festival Poznań. “Agonistic conversation”, “Conversation without words”, “Parliament of things” – three parts of the Lotte van den Berg’s cycle “Building Converstation” will begin and end on Plac Wolności.
Will you find common language with the other interlocutors from the “Building Conversation” cycle? You are the hero of the Viewer Paradox Idiom that launches today. How will you react to the invasion of stimuli launched by the Japanese artists from Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker? What will the first of Dries Verhoeven's tableau vivant on ul. Półwiejska provoke you to do?
You can talk about your impressions with Malta artists. Today at 13:00 you can ask a question about "Extreme Voices" to its creators - Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker. While in the following days at 13:00 we invite you to engage with artists such as Ant Hampton, Julian Hetzel, and Pippo Delbono.