Mauro Pallotta, well-known as Maupal, one of the most interesting artists of the Italian street art, will create a unique mural in Poznan. For several years, the artist comments on the most topical issues of socio-political urban spaces, creating murals. The greatest fame brought the artist images with the image of Pope Francis. The first portrait, painted and glued on one of the walls in Rome in 2014, shows the pope flying in the pose of Superman.
Councillor of Poznań Marek Sternalski had the idea to invite him to the capital of Wielkopolska. City Council Chairman Grzegorz Ganowicz made contact with Maupal, and when the artist has expressed an initial willingness to visit Poznan, vice president Mariusz Wisniewski commissioned to Piotr Libicki to present several locations for street art, mainly in the city center. Malta Foundation was invited to organize a visit Maupala in Poznan.
We would like to show him the city to tell about its history, current events and identity, as well as street art Poznan. We plan to organize on 22nd of March open walki around Poznan, during we will look at art in public spaces, mostly murals, as an important part of our urban landscape. We organize on 23rd of March at Malta Foundation an open meeting with the artist, he will explain its author's technique of painting on the steel wool and experience in creating murals. We hope that the artist would want to comment collectively viewed large works in Poznan.