this is an object
this object is a muscle
this object is a choreography
this object wants you
you want this object too
this object is marta ziółek
this object is the voice of marta ziółek
this object is marta ziółek's dance
marta ziółek thinks about choreography
this is not a lecture this is choreography
this choreography dances and talksMarta Ziółek's performance titled “5 things or several statements about choreography” is a performative lecture that draws on a subjective approach to the history of dance and the modern problems of choreography.
The five “things” from the title are: Marta Ziółek, her voice, her dance, the lecture and an XXL Deluxe object, which is a combination of the other elements. Starting with the famous 1841 ballet "Giselle” and continuing through Niżyński's sexual ballet revolution and Isadora Duncan's free dance, Judson Church minimalism, the 1980s neo-figurativeness (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker), the theoretical turn of the 1990s (Jérôme Bel) and the move towards the body of the 2000s (Mette Ingvardsen), Ziółek shows how the understanding of dance and choreography changed in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. Her lecture includes a provocative and very affective dance commentary, which creates tension between the language layer of the performance and its corporeal execution. While stipulating the movement of dance away from the theater and towards visual arts, and underlining the importance of figures such as Vanessa Beecroft, Marta Ziółek proposes her own vision a politically engaged choreography based on pictoriality, passion and strength. By relating to the manifestos that changed the history of dance, she creates her own (anti)manifesto.