In a fictional world, there exists the shared: the subject of choreographic exploration and manipulation, an opportunity to speculate on and confront the issue of agency. It is invisible and elusive, albeit ubiquitous. It introduces a fictional world, brings it to life and gives it dynamics. In a mobile landscape, it becomes perceptible through practices that make it possible to experience and affect it. It is the shared, the thing that we share with others. It is air.
RENATA PIOTROWSKA-AUFFRET is a choreographer and performer; in her works she uses tools of experimental dance, performative arts, dramaturgy and theatre.Piotrowska confronts choreography with conceptual thinking. She is interested in confronting dualisms such as: body and mind, experience and image, subject and object, humour and seriousness, individual and common. She is fascinated by working with politics of the contemporary bodies in european reality seen through the prism of historical representations and body politics from other cultures.
She created: Now / 2007, Dancing with the Enemy / 2007, UNKNOWN series / 2008-2010, break ART OF THE WAR / 2010, UNKNOWN.SEANCE / 2011, videodance Inside / 2011, The Forest_work in progress / 2013, Death. Exercices and variations / 2014, Sorcery / 2015, Common / 2016.
She worked among others in: Art Stations Foundation, CSW Contemporary Art Castle in Warsaw, Burdąg Foundation, Body/Mind Foundation, National Gallery „Zachęta“ in Warsaw, Theatre Studio, Ochota Theatre and Theatre Institute in Warsaw, National Choreographic Center in Montpellier, National Dance Center in Paris, National Scene in St.Brieuc, CCN Montpellier.
She received scholarships from Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Art Stations Foundation and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland, programme „Młoda Polska“ (2010) and „Stypendium Ministra“ (2013). Her performances took part twice in Polish Dance Platform.
Member of Center in Motion, a collective of choreographers from Warsaw.